The radio switches to another wave, reading out a weather forecast
"And over by the north is, nothing! Per usual... ugh. And the south? Just some hazy greys, but overall white today, not a speck of black in sight."
Mainland changes the channel, it's the same reporter again.
"-the history of the Aarins is quite fascinating! Today we have Telantes, the ruler of the Aarins, to interview. So how do you even take care of such creatures? They always wanna peck off my face- OW! zzzt mhm, yeah.... ohhhh I see!"
The radio's poor audio quality causes the other person's speech to be too warped to tell what it could even be saying. Still, what's an Aarin?
That's Funny...
Next channel, same guy, again.
"So this is my dust collection, I got all kinds from all sorts of places. I reccomend dust collecting as it gives my life some sort of actual purpose, what else can I do. I, can't really do anything else. Um-"
Turned that off before it gets too existential. Not in the right headspace for that. For now, a book might not be too bad...