Do you remember Tumblr?

2016! The peak of Tumblr, with a ravinous userbase and a 10 year old me watching an episode of The Amazing World of Gumball where they parody Tumblr SJWs. Tumblr had this aura around it of being the gayest and wackiest place of the internet, where all lgbt people could be welcomed besides insane discourse. No genuinely, the discourse was ridiculous. As an outsider (and 10 year old) it looked so crazy, full of the weirdest people around, talking about bones?? I'm too busy playing Pokemon Sun! Cause I'm 10, duh.

How could I forget those nostalgic memories, although not pleasant, especially how awful the internet was even only 8 years ago, I still remember what it was like. I only had ever downloaded tumblr the day after the porn ban but I cannot go into that just yet (btw this is only a 13+ page I am not going to talk about anything inapropiate.) Tumblr still thrived before the end of 2018 but once the fated porn ban happened, a lot of the userbase was scared off, something that will keep happening over and over again...

My story will go through my journey on Tumblr from 2018 when I was 2 months away from turning 13 and getting Tumblr up to 6 days after I turned 18 where I got banned (Feb 20 2024). And then I got banned again and this time really pissed me off (6/12/2024)

The Porn Ban of Dec 2018

WIP by the way im formatting this into my talking page