Welcome to my website!

Hi hello, I'm the owner of this website, YDKJ. I hope you enjoy your visit, I suggest looking at the shrines since that's where most of my effort goes into lol. I'm pretty silly so don't expect me to get too serious! I feel like Splatoon is covering my entire website so if you hate Splatoon I guess keep scrolling, I also make lots of art (some awful) so if you wanna see silly junk then come on in!

I'm working on my comic and starting to mod Mario Wonder. Did you know that like the entire background is actually just composed by 2d textures, I thought that was interesting(11/4/23)

Use this image with the link if you want to link me back to any site https://ydkj.neocities.org/

Random video of the update




Work in progress comic, pages come out whenever I feel like it (17 year old with a practically full time job and still has to do school lol)