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Reviews below (WIP)

Game backlog, I bought them so I gotta play them now:

Little brother wanted Cosmic Shake when it came out in 2022, I spent my own money on it for him and then he only played it for a few hours, now I decided that I should beat it. Also never beat Survival Minecraft cause every mob scares me, even cow....

Recent games played and finished:

Just beat Super Mario RPG (2023)! I got really attached to this game during the 2 weeks I played it, I almost cried during the credits! This game is soooo cute!! I loved the 2D credits and GENO!!!! By the end of the game I felt so close to Geno and having to say goodbye to him was so sad but that's ok... I cheer at the cuteness of this game, Mario is the cutest little plump plumber ever!!! Everyones so plump and cute and I loved Peach's dance when someone else is leveling up lol. Also now I feel inclined to buy the TTYD remake since there's even more cute peach moments lol.